Songwriter Activities


Songwriting Groups Regina and Saskatoon 

There are currently two groups in the province that are operating in affiliation with the Songwriters Association of Canada (SAC). 

Hosted by local singer/songwriters, these groups are a great way to connect more intimately with other songwriters in the community. The time is usually spent working on songwriting skills together and sometimes sharing a song or two. At some dates, a guest songwriter attends to chat about specific topics related to songwriting. 

All genres and skill levels are welcome to attend these free events!

Regina Regional Songwriters' Group (Regina Songwriters)

Coordinated by: SaskMusic (Ben Valiaho) and Robert (Bob) Davies
Meetings: In person meetings have resumed. Many events will be livestreamed; see individual events for details.

The Regina Songwriters Group exists to develop the craft of songwriting and provide a peer network of songwriters, lyricists, composers and beatmakers. Meetings are generally held once a month with additional songwriting exercises, resources and information shared on our socials. The group is also designed to keep members informed about issues and changes in the music industry, while establishing unity and collaboration among songwriters. Songwriters at all levels of experience and creating in any style are invited to participate. Collaboration and song sharing is encouraged during meetings at whatever level you are comfortable with. We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

For the month of Oct, we're presenting a workshop on Sunday Oct 27/24 at the Neil Balkwill Centre. Click here to view event.

For general information on the Regina Songwriters Group, visit their Facebook page.


Saskatoon Regional Songwriters' Group (Saskatoon Songwriters)

Coordinator: Michael Lander
Meetings: In-person meetings have resumed, usually the first Sunday of every month, starting at 1pm.
January 12th
February 2nd
March 2nd
April 6th
May 4th
June 1st
In-person meetings are held at: Studio XII Music & Dance Co., 9-1025 Boychuk Drive, Saskatoon
RSVPs are requested to
Also, email to join their mailing list for updates. 

Check out the Saskatoon Songwriter Facebook Page


Be sure to check out our calendar for songwriter concerts, workshops and other events.

Songwriting competitions and other opportunities for songwriters can be found in our Sound Opps area.