Women in Music Saskatchewan
Started in 2018, Women in Music Saskatchewan (WIMS) is a gathering point for women (cis, trans, transfeminine) youth and adults working in any capacity and at any level in the Saskatchewan music industry.
We want to encourage dialogue around our challenges and triumphs, support each other, and build a sense of community while working to foster gender equality in the music industry.
We hope to grow this group to provide professional and creative development, and peer support through networking events, mentorships, and industry awareness. If you are working/participating/involved in the Sask music industry at any level, please join the conversation, attend events when you can, and join/follow our Facebook Women in Music Saskatchewan group posts.
We are looking for alternate apps to communicate with each other (suggestions welcome).
We have recently affiliated with Women in Music Canada to collaborate with information and coordinate programming. You can follow them on Instagram.
SaskMusic offers many different programs for members including one-on-one consultations, grant reviews/feedback, feature and much more. Please contact 1-800-347-0676 or email lorenakelly@saskmusic.org if you have questions or would like more information.
WIMS Coordinators for SaskMusic: Lorena Kelly and Brittney MacFarlane
Add your profile in:
Women in Music Canada Directory
"Join hundreds of Canadians and be a part of the ongoing change to see more diversity, equality, and inclusion in every part of the music industry." Visit https://womeninmusic.ca/join-wim.html
Saskatchewan Music Directory
Create listings for yourself describing any artistic or industry services you have to offer. It's an easy way for people to find you when they're looking to hire. SaskMusic also uses it as our first referral point when we get calls to our office. Login here (or create a new profile) to add or edit your listings.
#wimsask #womeninmusic #womeninmusiccanada
Past Events include
- Saskatoon, March 2018: Kickoff Panel Discussion and networking time, with Lindsay (Eekwol) Knight, Jill Mack, Elsa Gebremichael, and moderator Manuela La Papayuela
- Regina, May 2018: Kickoff Panel Discussion and networking time, with Mandy Ebel, Sheryl Kimbley, Riva Farrell-Racette, and moderator Charity Marsh.
- Regina, October 2018: networking mixer in conjunction with the Kat Danser workshop.
- The Femme Sound Series (parts 1, 2, 3) of workshops in 2018-2019, Regina and Saskatoon with leader Jill Mack, in partnership with PAVED Arts.
- International Women's Day Talks and Concerts, 2019 in Regina, Swift Current, Prince Albert, Saskatoon more info
- International Women's Day Concert series, 2020 in Regina, Saskatoon, Lemberg, Yorkton, Estevan, Prince Albert and Forget more info
- International Women's Day virtual concert 2021, featuring 20+ artists more info
- International Women's Day online panels in March 2022 more info
- Networking and/or educational panels for WIMS at our annual Very Prairie Music Summits