FACTOR Accreditation
Would you like to participate as a FACTOR jurist and determine who receives funding from the organization?
For each Juried Sound Recording deadline, FACTOR holds juries to evaluate the eligible submissions received for the Juried Sound Recording Program and the Demo and Commercially Released Single Award. These jurors are volunteering members of the Canadian Music Industry and represent the industry at large. Their knowledge, expertise, and ability to interpret the current music landscape in this country makes them best qualified to help FACTOR decide which applications are most deserving of funds.
FACTOR's remote, online jury system enables jurors across the country to login from home at their own convenience to participate in the review process. Each jurist is responsible for a handful of submissions: to review the file, score the submission, write objective and constructive comments, and to log a vote "for" or "against" funding a specific project.
Participating in a jury requires a few hours out of your week during the jury season. It is important to note that not all accredited jurors will be asked to participate each season; being scheduled for a jury is based on availability.
If you would like to become involved in this process, you may be eligible to become a FACTOR-accredited juror, provided you meet the following criteria:
- You are a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident
- You have confidence in your ability to make an objective assessment of a project based on the music and documents provided,
- You have a minimum of 5 years of music industry experience, and
- Have been active in the industry within the last 2 years.
To become a juror, sign in to the FACTOR Portal. If you do not already have a FACTOR Portal account, you will need to create one. Once logged in, navigate to the JURY page from the top menu. Fill out the Juror Application Form and, once you are satisfied with the information you've provided, click Submit Application. Your application will be reviewed by a Jury Supervisor within 5 business days.
One last thing - Yes, as an accredited juror you are still eligible to apply for FACTOR funding! If a file that you are involved in directly (as applicant) or indirectly (someone who will receive payment from the project – i.e. a producer, studio, etc.) is up for jury, then you will be asked to state your conflict and abstain from assessing that file, but there are no restrictions otherwise.