In Studio: Eli, for Short

by SaskMusic

November 14, 2014 in Buzz

Eli, for Short is in the studio with engineer/producer Aspen Beveridge (League of Wolves) recording his first full-length album, “Portrait of a Young Man.” The album is co-produced by Jay Semko (The Northern Pikes) and features two award-winning songs, “The Train” (West Coast Songwriters International Song Contest ‘Alternative Song of the Year’) and “My Biggest Mistake” (Runner-Up in the Aspiring Canadian Writers Mentorship Contest), as well as “The Sun,” which Saskatchewan’s First Poet Laureate Glen Sorestad called “...a very fine bit of songwriting”. The album is slated to release in early 2015. Musicians involved in the project are Roger Mercier, drums, and Jesse Dawson, bass.
