Initiating Personal Change & Growth: Creating in “Unideal Times”


  • November 4, 2020 - Showtime: 7:00pm

This is the third segment in a four part series led by Amanda Scandrett.

Even in these exceptional times, life is still happening all around us. We do still have goals, dreams, and ways that we want to be living our lives (yay!). When it comes to goal-setting and doing during this time, two different reactions tend to arise: 

1. Push through, get it done, keep going- This reaction can easily lead to exhaustion and overwhelm in pandemic times (I bet you already knew that!) Or
2. Do nothing- While this response tends to help us rest and slow down (which we absolutely need right now!) we aren’t necessarily getting that opportunity to feel alignment or in flow.

So how can we create (artistically and in life-design) during these often polarizing times? The key is to find small pockets or openings, as opposed to treading upstream. These pockets and openings come when we tap into (you guessed it!) the creative process and creative flow. Creative flow is this beautiful place of both/and: in being in the receptive flow of creativity and in the state of making and doing. Isn’t it cool how we don’t have to pick just one?

Whether you identify as a musician, industry creative, administrator, music lover, someone else, or somewhere in between those roles, this workshop is created for you. It is natural to be feeling overwhelm or stress &/or stuck or lethargic at this time. This workshop aims to offer a variety of experiences to tap into your inner wisdom by tapping into your creative flow to start to create some movement in your life.

We will learn how to support the nervous system (our brain and body) through times of unrest and learn coping skills that will help us to feel more grounded and in flow. We will access our creativity and inner vision through sound meditation and process with drawing and journaling to create intuitively. These processes help to anchor into the receptive and creative process that can reveal to us hidden wisdom.

This workshop is part education, part meditation, and part creation. The intention is that you will leave feeling a little bit lighter and a lot more inspired by your own inner potential.


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