Make A Life Not A Living
From Brett Kissel "What Is Life?"
Categories: Engineers, Producers, Studios
Bart McKay
8B - 430, 3110 8th St E
Saskatoon, SK, S7H 0W2
Phone: Show phone number
Email: Show email address
Bart McKay has received acclaim and recognition for singles achieving rank in the top 20 for Brad Johner, Gord Bamford, Heather Dawn, Melanie Laine, Second Glance, Carol Cockrum and Marny Duncan-Cary. Singles and albums produced by Bart have been nominated and have won awards presented by the Canadian Junos, the CCMA, the WCMA, the PMA, the SCMA and ARIA. Bart has been named Producer of the Year by the SCMA from 1994 to 2004 and was nominated by the CCMA for Record Producer in 2003.