Last Day of Summer album cover

Last Day of Summer

People of the Sun

November 2020

For those seeking something real in the modern age, "The Last Day of Summer" is all about of walking the walk. In the face of social unrest due to #BLM protests, residential school graves, political controversies, and COVID-19 issues, the People of the Sun came together (safely) to make their mark. Spearheaded by Erik Mehlsen of Sharp 5 Records, 8 strangers from different walks of life came together to showcase an act of unity through music. The songs are not overly political or preachy; generally the album is light and fun. The broader statement of the album is in the fact this record was recorded live off the floor. While certain people in the music industry don't view records produced in this fashion as "legit" in 2021, the band prioritized something that captures an old school sound that properly displays a group of humans sharing and moment together, aka real unity, real co-operation ---- believing this to be more impactful than just sonic glossiness. The standout track of the album is "Expectations" which features a goosebump inducing build, surely to send chills down your spine.

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