Saskatchewan Singer/Songwriter Embarks on "Wordiness" Eastern Canadian Tour
After months of dreaming, scheming, and planning, Regina singer/songwriter Rebecca Lascue has embarked on her first-ever Eastern Canadian tour. The tour kicked off Thursday February 2nd at Creative City Centre (Regina), where Lascue opened for Alexis Normand, and ends on Feb 25th at the Artesian (Regina) where Lascue will open for Rae Spoon.
Rebecca Lascue is an enigmatic character. With wild fiery curls, cute freckles and a bubbly laugh, she seems to embody what it means to be a free-spirit. She’s an up-and-coming musician and actress who is about to take off on an Eastern Canadian tour. Yet behind her carefree exterior lies a very inquisitive and compassionate person who graduated at the top of the Arts faculty with a major in Psychology this past June. This unique blend of education and artistry is part of what makes Lascue’s music so compelling. Her songs are carefully crafted and somehow manage to weave together psychological phenomena and beautiful melodies in a way that is both poetic and insightful.
While Lascue has always wanted to be a musician and performer, she is also passionate about healthcare. This combination of interests is evident in her plans for her upcoming tour, which will include several shows at hospitals. The tour will begin in Regina, and includes stops in Toronto, Montreal, Moncton, Ottawa, London, and Kingston. She is teaming up with several other talented musicians along the way, including the Berkeley-educated Josh Penslar (Toronto), Brett Dolter (originally from Saskatchewan), and Rae Spoon. When asked why she chose "Excessive Wordiness" as the title of her tour, she said, “I must admit, I’m a talker. As part of this tour I’m looking forward to chatting with all the people I’m sure to meet - and for those of you who come out to my shows, be prepared for some random banter!”
Rebecca will both begin and end her tour in Regina. After 3 weeks on the road, she will cap it all off by opening for Montreal-based Rae Spoon at the Artesian on February 25th.
For more information, contact Rebecca at rebeccalascue(at)
Lascue Embarks on Eastern Canadian Tour
by SaskMusic
February 6, 2012 in Artist News