Awards Opportunity: SOCAN Foundation Awards for Young Composers
Four prizes will be offered in each of five categories. Deadline is July 2nd, 2023
Deadline: July 2, 2023
This annual competition is designed to recognize Canadian composers who are 30 years of age and under, for original concert music works in the following five categories: large ensemble, chamber ensemble, solo or duet, vocal, and electroacoustics.
Four prizes will be offered in each of five categories: 1st prize — $3,000; 2nd prize — $2,250; 3rd prize — $1,500; Young Composer Prize — $1,500 (21 years of age and younger). The Grand Prize of $5,000 for the best overall work may also be awarded.
Entries submitted will be examined by a jury of prominent composers selected by the SOCAN Foundation. Excellence will be an overriding factor in adjudication.
The jury may, but need not, award all prizes in each category. The jury reserves the right, where deemed beneficial to the entry, to move an entry to another category. The jury’s decisions are final.
The competition is open to composers who are 30 years of age or under on the application deadline.
Candidates must be Canadians and SOCAN members or Canadians who are not members of any performing rights organization. Works submitted must be original, composed within three years of the application deadline, and at least five minutes in duration. Arrangements are not eligible. Entries that were award winners in previous SOCAN Foundation Awards are not eligible. Recipients of the John Weinzweig Grand Prize are not eligible to reapply in subsequent years. SOCAN and SOCAN Foundation board members and employees are not eligible.
More details including submission categories/rules visit: https://www.socanfoundation.ca/awards/