Music on the Mezzanine


Morgan Moats


  • August 9, 2023 - Showtime: 7:00pm


Regina Public Library - Central Branch

2311 12th Ave, Regina, SK


    Join us on the mezzanine for a different musician every month at the Central Branch. Featuring Morgan Moats in August.

    Sounding like the love child of K.D. Lang, Amy Lee, and Burton Cummings, Morgan Moats is a performer and recording artist who has been writing music for more than two decades. They've got a music degree in classical composition, a background in classical piano and musical theatre, and a personality that's big enough for two people. Morgan writes about interpersonal relationships and grief, getting inspiration from the deep relationships they form with friends, family, and loved ones as well as the sense of loss they've grown accustomed to after losing grandparents, a sister, and two beloved mentors. People close to them will remark on how very much Morgan cares - about people, social justice, and all sorts of topics and issues (ask them about pigeons sometime!)

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