Jen Lane & John Antoniuk
- December 30, 2022 - Showtime: 8:30pm
Tickets are $22 - $27 available online HERE
Think of Robert Plant and Allison Krauss or Emmylou Harris and Gram Parsons and you get a good idea of where these two Saskatoon singer-songwriters are coming from. They meshtogether beautifully as they perform each other’s music. They have showcased many timeson national stages such as Breakout West, Canadian Music Week, North by Northest, andPrairie Scene, and achieved international recognition at Folk Alliance and South by Southwest.
The success of their first collaboration, Jen & John, led the dynamic duo back into the studio toonce again create something simple and beautiful. With Jen & John II, the couple has managedto find the sweet spot in both their writing and performances without any instrumentaldistractions from the serene vocals and powerful lyrics. The songs are built around a guitaror two, a touch of harmonica, and their wonderful harmonies.Jen and John’s New Year’s Eve Eve celebration will feature some of the old favourites, somenew material, and if you’re feeling in the spirit, some music to let you embrace your innerchild.