Greg Hargarten & Ricasso

Categories: Groups and Duos, Songwriters/Composers

Genres: Adult Contemporary, Pop, Rock, Roots or Folk


Greg Hargarten
Saskatoon, SK

Phone: Show phone number


The work of Canadian singer/songwriter Greg Hargarten usually falls into two distinct styles: folk-esque acoustic rock or electric-charged hard rock. His discography meanders back and forth between these styles, but at the heart of it all, solid, durable songwriting and melodies that stick in your head.

His latest effort, Overgrown, is no exception. A departure from the straight ahead rock format of his previous two albums, Overgrown is a return to the more folky style evident on his debut release, Disgraceland. The album showcases Ricasso’s songwriting diversity, pitting introspective ballads against powerful, dark rockers; feelgood pop against longing alternative country. It also boasts a great guest line-up, including Kenny Greer (Red Rider) on pedal steel and Jason Fowler (John McDermott, Amy Sky) on guitar.



  • Disgraceland (Revisited)

    The dream of the great western civilization is sliding into a seedy sideshow parody.

  • Dear Abbey Road

    A tribute to a dead rock star and a studio in London

  • Pictures of You

    Music and art converge

  • The Same Sky

    Even though we're miles apart we're under the same sky!