Regina Ladies' Choir
Categories: Choral & Community Groups
Genres: Adult Contemporary, Broadway/Theatre, Classical, Roots or Folk
Sandra Pfeifer
Regina, SK, S4S 3A6
Email: Show email address
The Regina Ladies' Choir is an all female community choir comprised of about 40 women from diverse backgrounds who share a love for music. The Choir sings in three parts (Soprano, Mezzo Soprano, Alto) and performs a genre of music that is broad and diverse. Classical, jazz, selections from Broadway musicals, folk, gospel, and pop are all part of the Choir's repertoire. The Choir accepts performance requests and regularly makes appearances at community events and nursing homes. Notable guest appearances include: GospelFest (Regina 2018), St. Peter's Cathedral (Muenster 2007), the Opera House (Wolseley 2004), July 1 Celebrations (Ottawa 2001).
The Regina Ladies' Choir celebrates their 92nd Season with its Annual Concert on Saturday May 11, 2024. There will be one performance at 2:30 pm. Tickets will be available in early April. For ticket information, contact the Choir through its email address. As well, there will be a limited number of tickets for purchase at the door on the day of the performance.
Concert Location: To Be Announced.
Conductor for the 2023 2024 season is Kayla Stadnick and accompanist is Joshua Hendricksen. The Choir's season starts in September and concludes in May.
**Recruitment for the Choir occurs every September. Women interested in becoming a member of the Regina Ladies' Choir are invited to join their Monday night rehearsals during the month of September at no cost so they can check out the music and format before paying the membership fees for the season. For more information about joining the Regina Ladies' Choir please make contact through email.
The Regina Ladies' Choir can be contacted by email at
Ladies Choir Seeking a Conductor
June 11, 2015
The REGINA LADIES CHOIR is seeking a conductor for the upcoming season September 2015 to May 2016.
We are looking for someone with choral experience and a solid musical background (preferably in voice, piano, and choral conducting) who is punctual, professional, capable of developing a good rapport with the members, and willing to work closely with the accompanist.
The choir holds weekly rehearsals on Mondays 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm from September to May with a break over Christmas/New Year. The ladies choir is comprised of 40-45 members each season.
Salary is commensurate with experience.
More detailed information about the choir can be obtained from Pat Kalenchuk. Telephone: 306-924-4184 or email:
Letters of application, including a CV and two references, can be sent by email to :
Pat Kalenchuk 6827 Sherwood Drive Regina, Sask. S4X 1C2 or
Deadline for Applications: Friday June 19, 2015.